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CCPD Ahead of the Curve in School Safety Training

(October 31, 2023)--The Cape Coral Police Department previously trained school resource officers through the Association of Threat Assessment (ATAP). ATAP specializes in threat and violence risk assessment. Although we will no longer be utilizing this model, our department was ahead of the curve by having a threat assessment model in place to ensure school safety through proper documentation and action that was situationally dependent. 

As of January 1, 2024, the Florida Department of Education has instituted a new threat management program that will be utilized across all Florida public schools. The long title is the Florida Harm Prevention and Threat Management Program. The short title is the Florida Model. The Florida Model is a standardized threat assessment program for schools in Florida to report any kind of threat to school safety. The model allows all schools to investigate threats under the same database to ensure proper reporting and investigation on school threats. The information will be shared across schools in the database. 

All law enforcement partners engaged within the schools must be trained in the Florida Model. Also included in training and partnership are persons from the school district administration and persons with expertise in counseling. All school resource officers must receive training specialized to the Florida Model. The program entails mandated timelines and assesses different threat levels that require different levels of investigation. 

We look forward to continue providing a level of safety to our schools that goes above and beyond. 
