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City Manager

Chat Page


Welcome to the City of Cape Coral Chat Page

The City of Cape Coral conducts periodic chat sessions between the citizens and elected officials or City staff.  Chat sessions may be related to a particular subject or just a general conversation.  Upcoming chat sessions will be announced on the City's web page and Facebook page.

District 7 Councilmember Jessica Cosden will host a "live" chat on Tuesday, January 30 at 5 p.m.
Click here to join Councilmember Cosden's chat

Chat sessions provide a forum to ask questions of public officials.  The goal is to answer as many questions as possible from the citizens.  Here are the basic rules of the City's chat session:

1. All chat sessions are moderated.  Questions/Comments are placed in a queue for review and posting.  Inappropriate comments will not be posted. 
2. All participants should maintain a proper decorum and be respectful of the guest and other participants. 
3. Questions will be posted and answered in the order received in the queue.  NOTE: There may be many participants and questions submitted.  Please be patient and allow the guest adequate time to respond.  Occasionally, the moderator may ask participants to hold questions until the queue is reduced.
4. Questions should be limited to a single topic/issue.  This provides the opportunity to ask/answer more questions.  Multi-part questions may not be posted as they can bog down the chat session.  An example of a multi-part question:  "What do you think about the argument over whether the tomato is a fruit or vegetable?  Do you think it is a fruit?  If so, why?  If not, why not?"  
5. Any participant who abuses these rules may be banned from the chat session(s). 

Each chat session is archived for future viewing and to meet the requirements of the Florida Public Records Law.  Click to access the "Chat Archives" page. 

Live Blog Mayor's Night Out - Live Chat